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Journey to the Finish Line

Why I Give: Martha Chapman
Martha Chapman, Former Parent

My son Bill was an extremely quiet six-year-old student when he came to Oakwood School. He had a strong grasp of mathematics but found reading challenging. Bill had no issues reading the words on paper, but he had a hard time visualizing what he was reading. Bill’s struggles with reading comprehension made it difficult for him to grasp the lessons being taught. I am so thankful to former Oakwood Academic Supervisor Barb Zukowski for being able to identify this.

Ms. Zukowski and the rest of Oakwood’s teaching staff continued to work with Bill to strengthen his reading comprehension skills during his six years at the school. At age 12, Bill successfully transitioned out of Oakwood and into The Field School. Bill earned a BS from William & Mary, his Masters from Catholic University, and finally, a Ph.D in Psychology from Mercer University. 

My son’s perseverance through his toughest subject area at Oakwood led to his professional success as a psychologist. Even though it has been many years since Bill attended Oakwood School, I continue to make an annual donation so that current and future students are afforded the same opportunities Bill had. I encourage you to consider signing up for recurring donations to the school to support the future of Oakwood.

If I had not found Oakwood, I don't know what would've happened to my son - Martha Chapman