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As pioneers in the field of special education, Oakwood School founders, Bob and Mary McIntyre chose Annandale, VA as our home in 1981. Since then, we have worked to provide services and resources to families and students with specific learning disabilities in the Northern Virginia area. 

Our purpose extends beyond educating students with learning differences – we hope to create opportunities that benefit the broader community. From hosting events to building partnerships, Oakwood is committed to enriching the lives of those around us and contributing to the field of special education in the DC Metro area and beyond. 

Events and Programs for Community Members

  • Attend an upcoming event or free educational webinar. Access the Oakwood Calendar to learn more. 

  • We offer virtual and in-person professional development seminars and workshops on a variety of literacy-based topics.

  • Our 42,000 sq foot facility can meet the needs of multiple businesses or organizations looking for event space. Inquire about renting space in the DC metro area for sports teams and organizations looking for a centrally located, multi-use facility.

  • If you are a business or an organization looking to support a special education school, connect with our Development Director, Phallon Perry.

The Oakwood Playground

playground at private school for executive functioning challenges

The iconic Oakwood playground was built by parents and volunteers in the fall of 1983 and is repaired regularly by our talented Facilities Manager. While the playground is reserved during school hours for students, we welcome visitors on the weekends and after hours to enjoy this magical place.


Read about the history of the playground. 

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