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Middle School

The middle school at Oakwood School serves students in 6th through 8th grades.

Our program is led by teachers and educators who understand and appreciate middle school students and their unique characteristics. We embrace this time of impactful neurological development as an opportunity to support learning about who they are as individuals and how they choose to interact with each other and their communities. 

Individualized instruction ensures continued growth and increasing independence. Students are grouped by instructional level in teams of up to 13 students with 2 teachers in every homeroom. The team-teaching model is directly connected to our ability to remediate and encourage student progress.  

Keep reading to learn about the specifics of our middle school curriculum and how it plays a part in our multifaceted approach to cultivating independent, confident graduates. Contact Admissions today to learn more about how we can prepare your middle schooler for the next step in their learning journey. 


Middle School Subjects

Middle School Schedule Example
8:15-8:40 AM Arrival & Morning Meeting
8:50-10:00 AM Math*
10:00-10:30 AM Special
10:30-11:00 AM Special
11:00-11:45 AM OG / Literature*
11:45-12:25 PM Lunch & Recess
12:30-1:40 PM Literature / Writing*
1:40-2:00 PM Study Block
2:00-2:45 PM Science / Social Studies
3:00 PM Dismissal
* Classes are broken into small groups.

Oakwood School dismisses at 1:45 on Mondays.