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Veterans Day Assembly

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Veterans Day Assembly
Oakwood School

Veterans Day Assembly 2024

On Monday, November 11th, Oakwood Color Guard members led a school-wide assembly highlighting the history of Veterans Day, introduced the U.S. military branches, and gave space for honoring and recognizing Veterans in attendance. During each branch anthem, Veterans in Oakwood's community (parents, grandparents, and friends) were invited to stand to be recognized and celebrated. 

Color Guard members led students, staff, and guests outside to the flagpole to raise the flag after the Assembly. 

This year, the school community broke into smaller groups to hear from volunteer guest speakers. Former or active military members from the Oakwood community (parents and grandparents) shared details about their military experience, travel, and career path. Students were able to ask questions and engage with Veterans. 

Thank you, Veterans, for your service!

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