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Oakwood School provides a multisensory educational program in which students with learning differences are guided to achieve their unique academic and social potential in a nurturing community environment

Team Model Concept

With our focus on the unique potential of our students, Oakwood has developed the team model. Each homeroom class, called a Team, contains students who are within one to two grades of each other. For example, we may have a team of 3rd and 4th graders. Each team has two teachers.


Two Teams work together for instruction so that there are four reading groups and four math groups. The groups are homogenous based on instructional levels of the students. This also means that every teacher at Oakwood is a reading teacher and a math teacher.

True integration of these important subjects occurs when students realize they can apply skills learned in reading to another subject, such as math! The content areas of social studies and science, along with "specials" such as art, music, and PE are scheduled  by homeroom.

Professional Collaboration

There is another aspect to our team approach, as well; we consider the parents part of the team. Other professionals who work with the child (i.e., Speech/Language therapist, Occupational therapist, counselor, doctor) are also part of the child’s team. As part of the team approach, the adults work together and keep the child at the center of all discussions and decisions. Communication is the key to the success of the team approach!

Oakwood Team Approach